I haven’t shot the videos for my Pectus Carinatum workouts yet but I will say a little about it here now. The workouts are designed to mask my Carinatum. The muscles that you want to build are all the muscles around your pectus carinatum.
For me the targeted muscles were my upper abbs, lower chest and upper chest. Surprisingly, back workout played a significant role in correcting my Pectus Carinatum because it helped straighten my posture. I have a slight case of scoliosis associated with my Pectus Carinatum, and a lot of other people do too.
Now when I say I am doing 4 different muscle groups that does not limit me to only 4 exercises! My chest workout alone takes me 45 minutes if I do it right! So, if you have pectus and want to join this discussion remember that this was a hard road. Nonetheless, it was the best decision I made to spend all this time in the gym.